Bathroom upgrades using overlays

If you’re considering a bathroom update, you’re probably familiar with thetypical approaches, such as replacing a countertop or toilet, or removing allthe fixtures and finishes to complete a floor-to-ceiling renovation.However, there is another, far less...

Getting the most from an Open House

Have you ever attended an “Open House” advertised in your area or in acommunity you like? Most people have. Even if you’re not serious aboutmoving, viewing a few properties in a neighbourhood you like is a great wayto get a sense of the market.Who...

How to Help Sell Your Home Quickly

Usually when you list your home, you would prefer to sell it quickly. It’s likebeing the first one served at a crowded ice cream parlour. It’s satisfying.However, sometimes there’s more to it than that. There may be a trulyurgent reason why you need to find a buyer...
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